Hit The Road
the Road
7.51 on a warm Monday night. The lights just came on and I’m sitting comfortably
listening to Lexis Bill play I’m not the only one by Sam Smith on Joy Fm. And
it’s got me thinking. Lemme tell you a really boring story.
meets girl. Boy likes girl and tells girl. Girl thinks she likes guy and maybe
actually does begin to like guy. Guy asks for sex and girl tries to hold on to
him by being good for maybe the first two times even though she doesn't like
it.. But then she realizes it is stupidity. That’s when she realizes that she’s not so into Guy that she can’t let go. She makes a decision. She is special.
She deserves better. If Guy couldn't see that, that was his problem. Guy is not
worthy of her and she was gonna walk away. It was hard because he had started
to like Guy. He made her feel good and she would die if she saw him with
another girl. But every time she thought that way Girl reminded herself of the
greater reason she had to let go; she was giving herself up and disappointing God.
She could let him go and she would. She did fine before Guy and she would do
better after him.
am not saying that when things are not going the way you want it to with your
partner, walk away. What I am saying is that in trying to work things out you
don’t have to lose yourself. You can’t compromise your values for a
relationship that may not even last. Everything you believe in is you, it is
part of what makes you you. The moment you give that up you stop being you. And
you are made in the image and likeness of God. God made and said you were good.
If someone can not appreciate you for whom you are, their bad then. Just don’t
take a permanent decision for a temporary situation (I’m sure you heard that
know what; you may probably not be the only one. When he tells you he loves
you, when he calls you baby, when says he misses you and wishes he were with
you all the time…he’s probably telling five other girls the same thing
simultaneously. You should walk away before he turns you into his plaything.
Girl was able to determine what she wanted and they might have started
something, but she stopped it before it went too far. If you find yourself in a
similar situation but have gone all the way, you don’t have to think like ‘he
already got it, how worse can it get?’ girl, it can get worse. You can allow
yourself to become a sex toy and housekeeper to him. To him you’re probably
just a side chick he’s just coming to for sex and he’s gonna get tired of you
probably free because he didn't really commit, didn't say the words so you can’t
hold him to anything he said. You just imagined things in your head, got way
ahead of yourself and never asked questions because you liked the way it felt.
Or maybe you did but he always found a way to get out of answering them. You got
to wise up. Or he did make it clear what he wanted from you was sex but you
thought he was gonna fall for you and it was gonna change. Wake up from your
all I’m saying is when you’re you are doing stuff you are not comfortable with,
or you don’t believe he cares as much as he says, or he’s not showing you that
he cares as much as he says; simply put if you are in doubt in any way and he’s
not helping by addressing them then it’s best if you left. If for nothing at
all, for the slight good feeling of being the one who did the dumping. And God
is going to be proud.
Good piece Phoebes, but there is still room for improvement.