Do I Really Know You?

Blogtober Post 7:

Okay, so funny scenario. Actually no, this isn’t funny. Fine, you tell me by the time you’re done.

So say you have a friend, really good friend of the opposite sex. You’ve been friends for years. And as normal friendships go, you fight from time to time, have a falling out or two, but you know by now that you’re going to be friends for life.

Now, you met outside of your usual circle, so as far as you know, you have no mutual friends. You talk about your families and other friends, but you haven’t actually met them. It’s not like you’re keeping your friendship a secret; you’re not even really sure why. This is someone you talk to nearly every day, and you meet up with   from time to time.

So one weekend you call and there’s no answer. That’s not the problem, but your friend doesn’t call back after a couple hours, which is unusual. Throughout the day, you call again, and again, and again, and yet again; still no answer and no call back.

By night fall, different thoughts are running through your head. Why aren’t they answering? Did they lose their phone? But then anyone who found it would probably take the sim out, right? Did their screen get cracked, so they can’t see the incoming calls? Did you do something wrong? Are they mad at you? Is something wrong with them? Are they sick? Hospitalized? Worse? If that’s the case why isn’t the family saying anything? Too early? You take it to the Lord in prayer, hoping they’re okay.


Next day. You keep calling and sending messages. You’re just going crazy with worry… You even call another friend to ask their opinion. Are you overreacting? Should you not be panicking? During the day as you call them again, you’re told the phone is now switched off (after blowing up their phone with your numerous calls, what did you expect?) At this point you realize that there’s no one you can actually call to ask about them. You’ve never been to their house. And they’re not really active on social media.

Oh right! You do know their workplace. You decide to go there come Monday. And they better be fine or else! You even draft your speech to the receptionist in your head.

Early Monday morning, you’re on your bed still going over the possible reasons why you haven’t heard from them. And then your phone rings. That’s them calling. Quickly, you answer, and relief washes through you as you hear their familiar voice over the phone.

So this is what happened. They travelled and unintentionally left their phone behind. They didn’t have your number, so they couldn’t call. They returned late Sunday night, charged the phone up and saw several calls and messages from you.

Of course, you’re happy to know that they're okay, and that none of the things you were imagining were true. Soon, you’re laughing about it.

But that’s when it hits you. How well do know the people you claim to be close to? This is just one person; someone you consider a friend for life. What about the others? If you never heard from a friend again one day, would you know where to look? Today, we have our phones and social media which can be helpful for staying in touch and getting informed. But this is just a reminder that in-person relationships are just as important.

This is not a call to become too familiar with people you met two seconds ago. I’m talking about those people you’ve known for quite some time that you consider quite close, and you know you should know more about them than you already do. The very people that are coming to mind as you read this post. If you say someone is important to you, make sure they really are. You don’t have to wait until ‘something’ happens.


On this note, all my people, the prodigal girl is coming home. Please take her back wai.

So now, was this funny or serious?





  1. Replies
    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
      Don't worry, I don't know a lot of people either

  2. What if the person you consider as a close friend resides in a different region? Has no close relatives? Just a couple of friends? Neither of you tour the country? How do you bridge this gap?

    1. I think that try as we may, certain situations are beyond our control, and this is one of them. Maybe occasionally, when your schedules allow, you can visit and they can return the visit another time. All the best!

  3. Funny and serious I thinkπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…


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