In Which He Wrote
So I've been away for a bit. I'm not happy about it and I hope I've been missed. But I hope too, that is good enough. This is one I wrote with a person who wants to remain anonymous. And he's not even a regular writer. I'm so proud of what we've done here and I hope you like it too. Please, don't forget to share your thoughts about it.
Delilah, Delilah, they say thou art baddeth for me;
They say thou destroyed Samson and thou shall destroy me.
Delilah, Delilah, I heed not the caution of the world;
The passion in your eyes is enough even if thou deceiveth me.
Oh how, my darling, can I deceive thee?
With Samson I had nothing to lose; with thee I have everything to lose
For thou hast kindled a fire within me-
Nay, thou hast kindled THE fire within me.
Delilah, Delilah, they say thou art baddeth for me,
Yet your words soundeth so sweet in my ears
You're everything I want in a woman and your beauty calmeth my deepest fears
And you, My darling, are all I ever dreamt of.
An answer to prayers prayed when I was but a little girl.
A glance from thee alone sets my face and everywhere else ablaze.
Delilah, Delilah, such beautiful words you speak,
But I have been forwarned that they are full of deceit.
My whole body believes you -everywhere but my head
It tells me if I follow you I'll swiftly fall to my death
For how long shall you continue to listen to them, my love, and deny us of bliss?
How long until you trust the truth in our kiss?
If it is my words you cannot trust, then does my body deceive you also?
Oh Delilah, oh Delilah,
Thou tempteth me with talks of a kiss, and talks of your body
But yet thou does not mind me when I'm horny.
My dearest, we need not rush the moment.
First cometh trust; then others take their place.
But if thou canst trust my words shall I trust thee with so much more?
I shouldn't, yet I shall soon enough when the timing is right.
For thou driveth me insane so!
And waiting becomes harder. Lo,
I act like I careth not, like thou affecteth me not but
In my room, it is you that's on my mind
And your caresses I dream of every night.
So heed them not, my darling.
You were made for I and I, for you.
Come then, my darling, to me and yours
And heaven and bliss
And let those that doubt soon tell our future with a hiss.
By then, darling, we'll be too happy to care.
Too far gone and too drunk to hear.
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