Freeing the Boobies: Re-examining Why

Blogtober post 10 (and my 50th post, yayyyy!) By now you know that October is breast cancer awareness month. Not one day, not one week but a whole month-all 31 days of it have been dedicated to breast cancer, that should tell you how much of a problem it is. According to , breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women (only lung cancer kills more women each year). The chance that a woman will die from breast cancer is about 1 in 38 (about 2.6%). But thankfully, early detection saves lives. This is why the month has been set aside to encourage women to know their bodies, particularly their boobies. Regularly examining one’s boobs would make any slight change easy to detect; be it a growing lump, a discharge from the nipple, change in shape or even an unusual pain. The earlier it’s detected and reported, the higher our chances are of getting treated so we don't succumb to it. Risk factors of breast cancer include being female, family his...