To Thine Own Self Be True
"This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
- Hamlet, Shakespeare
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
- Hamlet, Shakespeare
If you found out you had only 30 days to live, what are things you’d want to do with your time and yourself before you die? You can share your top ten with me. I just want to know, if you haven’t done or aren’t doing any of them yet, what is it that you’re waiting for?
It is often said that ‘he who fails to plan, plans to fail’. With every new year comes resolutions we make to guide us into becoming better versions of ourselves, usually with fervour. While some of us are able to see at least some or all through to the end of the year, for some of us the resolutions fall by the wayside with apathy that equals the zeal with which is started. Maybe situations caused our objectives to change. Maybe the goals we set were too big for us in the interim. Maybe we up and decided that no, we just don’t want to do that anymore. Whichever way, it’s cool so long as you do right by you.
Everyone is different, and it is in those differences that we are unique. If we all were the same- acted same, thought same, with identical desires and ambitions- what a boring world ours would be. We all have our own paths, and no two are the same. So do not join others in running a race that isn’t for you.
Do not allow yourself to be pressured into doing what you don’t want to do. You do not have to do anything that does not make you happy, agree with your spirit, that just isn’t you. You owe it to yourself to be true to your own set of values and goals. Remember that as much as it seems that way, life isn’t a race. Which is why some go earlier than others, we just don’t know who is next or when. Live your life such that if you had to die tomorrow, you could assuredly say, “I may not have lived too long, but my life has been full, and now I can go with a content heart.”
Learn from your mistakes and those of others. There are some blunders that leave scars- physical, emotional, psychological etc. But that is okay because behind every scar is a story, one that is a part of your history and helped shape who you are today. It may not be pleasant, unfortunately you can’t wish it away. Not everything that happens is your fault. Accept that and don’t hold yourself accountable for every negative thing that happens to you or around you. Besides blame never solved anything.
Above all, in this year, I wish you peace. Peace of mind and heart and everything in between to keep you sane and happy. Peace to be decisive about that things you want, things that are good for you. Peace to be comfortable with the choices we make, whatever the outcome, knowing that whether good or bad, it comes with one more of life’s lesson. And in all of it, to thine own self be true. Do not lose yourself in an effort to make someone else happy. It is never worth it. Let the truth start with you. Have a wonderful year, darlings.
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