Surreptitious Killer - 5
5. When Women's Fellowship meeting just ended. Auntie Akua: Oh sisters, have you heard about what Sister Betty is going through right now? She's battling leukemia, it's the reason she was on admission a while back and why she's not been coming to church of late. Auntie Yaa: Ow! (Covering her mouth) Auntie Mercy: Oh that's sad... Auntie Akua: Yes oh. She's coming through chemo right now and you should see her. All her hair is off. She's really reduced in weight. Auntie Rose: Hmm. Why do bad stuff always happen to good people? Auntie Akua: Hmm. Please let's remember her in our prayers. The next day, Pastor goes to visit sister Betty... Betty: Pastor, thanks for stopping by. Pastor: Oh, don't mention. (Pauses.) How are you doing? Betty: By God's grace, we're alive. We can't complain. Pastor: Indeed. We give glory to God. (Another pause)The other day I overheard Akua telling three others that you had cancer. Betty: What? (In surp...