No Longer Mine - A Poem

This face is no longer mine With eyes so expressive shadowed with brows so thick How I loved to run my fingers through hair so black and shiny, lips I never stopped admiring This laugh is no longer mine The shift of the Adam's apple as loud baritone eased out The best I ever heard, I can never help but break into a smile, every time These hands are no longer mine To scribble nothings in the palm and fix my fingers in between So cozy, it felt like home, large enough to envelope in safety with nails so pretty, I almost was jealous This body is no longer mine To have and to hold... To lay my head on, whichever Hear the heart beat, whenever Snuggle into, wherever And slide my hands, all over This heart is no longer mine, This heart that used to beat for me, loving so fiercely, so freely I know not of its present fears, it's dreams, it's struggles The good memories, I will hold so close The wrongs, I would wish away And as we go our separate ways At t...