Your Life, Your Responsiblity

Well, hello there! It has been a while. Please share your thoughts below. Did you know that today, September 26, 2019 is World Contraception Day? You don’t believe me, Google it. I’m sure you will but let me give you a little background right here. The World Contraception Day was launched in 2007 to ‘improve awareness of contraception and to enable young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health’ ( Celebrated on September 26 every year since, the campaign is concentrated on achieving a world where every pregnancy occurrence is deliberate or planned and therefore wanted. This year’s theme is “ It’s your life, it’s your responsibility”. Contraception and Contraceptives Now let’s go back to the basics: what is contraception and contraceptives? The offline English dictionary defines contraception as ‘the use of a device or procedure to prevent conception as a result of sexual activity’. Palpably, contraceptives are t...