Loving You

In my family, the ladies are endowed in body shape, especially when it comes to the upper part of the body. I mean, we're not bursting, but we're blessed: from my sister after me to the one after her to me (in that order). The last one is still young, but I can tell she'll join the train, and by the way we're all girls so, yeah. My Grandmother was well-endowed and so is my Mum. All of us (I'm talking about my sisters and I) had our bodies develop relatively early in comparison with our mates. Sure, it wasn’t always just us; there were always one or two girls who were more conspicuous. The point is we weren't many and so we were visible. Personally, I remember being teased by some class mates, especially when we were learning about the physical changes in the adolescent for the first time. I didn't like it and though I tried not to show it (because teens can be really mean and when they caught on that you didn't like something, that was when they r...