Mental Fears

The year is 2015. December 2015. It is almost ended and 2016 is almost here. I’m a year older than I was last year and a step ahead educationally. And that scares me. I remember, my final year in SHS and the excitement I felt that I was leaving a community that was strict and full of rules to one that was independent. But I was also scared (although the excitement overshadowed the fear) because like my mother always says, growing goes with responsibility and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that. A lot of things have changed since then. I, in fact we all aren’t the same as we were a few years ago no matter how much we try to convince others and then ourselves (albeit unconsciously) that we are. The passage of time and happenings of life have made sure of that. We may have lost someone we love either through life’s processes or our ego (you can call it personal foolishness) or through deliberate decisions. Two years on and I am even more scared. Excited, though but this time more...